Book launch “Re-Tooling Knowledge Infrastructures in a Nuclear Town”
Re-Tooling Knowledge Infrastructures in a Nuclear Town edited by Siarhei Liubimau & Benjamin Cope Online book launch on December 9, 17.00 Vilnius time To register and to follow
Book “Re-Tooling Knowledge Infrastructures in a Nuclear Town”
This book started in 2016 as a search for concepts, empirical registers and urbanist tools to tackle the dead-end of Soviet industrial modernist mono-functionalism. The empirical s
Emerging Urban Researchers on the Participatory Dimension of their Work
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“Living by Water” – Interview with Professor Carmina Sanchez-del-Valle
Qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est labrum. Duis aute iruret dolor in prehenderit in voludptate velit esse cillum toret eu giat enerit in volptate velit esse cillum maecenas te